How to Talk about Art with Children
The first children’s art book targeted at parents
This volume is an easy-to-read tool for anyone wanting to initiate children into the world of art for enjoyment, not as an obligation.
Accessible even for those without specific knowledge of either the subject or teaching, this manageable handbook helps answer children’s questions and explain key notions of art to them, on both techniques and styles, using simple vocabulary.
Targeted at adults who want to share the experience of visiting a museum or an exhibition with their children, this book is intended as a guide for introducing children (aged 5 to 13) to art history. With the goal of making it more accessible, the book is articulated in a question-and-answer format and offers three colors of information files ranging from the simplest to the most complex. This system allows children to progress at their own pace according to their age (from 5 to 7, 8 to 10, and 11 to 13) and/or their level of progress.
After being succinctly covered, general topics such as portraiture, landscapes or abstraction are examined via 30 paintings with commentaries by artists ranging from Fra Angelico to Baselitz, allowing for a unique, fun tour through the world’s greatest museums. The traditional theoretical approach is thus replaced with direct observation of the picture—the true departure point of any artistic experience. The book also comes with a brief annotated bibliography which will help readers further explore topics of interest.